A biography is a detailed account of a person’s life written by someone else. It encompasses the major events, experiences, and achievements of the individual, often providing insights into their personality, motivations, and the impact they had on the world. Biographies typically include information about the subject’s early life, education, career, relationships, and legacy, and they may draw on various sources such as letters, diaries, interviews, and historical records to provide a comprehensive and accurate portrayal. Here are our biographies.


The Journey of Liu Xiaobo by Joanne Leedom-Ackerman

The Journey of Liu Xiaobo | From Dark Horse to Nobel Laureate edited by Joanne Leedom-Ackerman with Yu Zhang, Jie Li, and Tienchi Martin-Liao reflects on the incredible life of Liu Xaiobo. A fearless poet and prolific essayist and critic, Liu Xiaobo became one of the most important dissident thinkers in the People’s Republic of China.

The Making of a Justice by John Paul Stevens

The Making of a Justice | Reflections on My First 94 Years by John Paul Stevens explores the author’s impactful life as a Justice of the United States Supreme Court. In his memoir, the Justice recounts his extraordinary life, offering an intimate and illuminating account of his service on the nation’s highest court.

Neruda: The Biography of a Poet by Mark Eisner

Neruda | The Biography of a Poet by Mark Eisner tells the intriguing story of renowned Chilean Poet Pablo Neruda through the examination of his poems. The book vividly depicts Neruda’s monumental life, potent verse, and ardent belief in the “poet’s obligation” to use poetry for social good.

Blood Letters by Lian Xi

Blood Letters | The Untold Story of Lin Zhao, a Martyr in Mao’s China by Lian Xi tells the story of Lin Zhao, who openly opposed communism in China. Blood Letters tells the astonishing tale of Lin Zhao, a poet and journalist arrested by the authorities in 1960 and executed eight years later, at the height of the Cultural Revolution.

The Woman Who Fought an Empire by Gregory Wallance

The Woman Who Fought an Empire | Sarah Aaronsohn and Her Nili Spy Ring by Gregory Wallance explores the secret life of Sarah Aaronsohn as she leads a spy network to take down the Ottoman Empire. The book tells the true odyssey of a bold young woman who became the daring leader of a Middle East spy ring.

Deng Xiaoping by Alexander V. Pantsov and Steven I. Levine

Deng Xiaoping | A Revolutionary Life by Alexander V. Pantsov and Steven I. Levine provides a look into the entire life of influential Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping. Based on newly discovered documents, the book covers his entire life, from his childhood and student years to the post-Tiananmen era.

Proust’s Latin Americans by Rubén Gallo

Proust’s Latin Americans by Rubén Gallo examines the influence of Latin America in the life and work of French writer, Marcel Proust.

Kay Thompson: From Funny Face to Eloise by Sam Irvin

Kay Thompson | From Funny Face to Eloise by Sam Irvin tells the thrilling life story of actress Kay Thompson. The saga swells from small town wannabe to international headliner, dissolving into self-destruction and madness with unexpected twists, outlandish turns, and a last-minute happy ending that is nothing short of preposterous.