Target Tehran by Yonah Jeremy Bob and Ilan Evyatar

Target Tehran by Yonah Jeremy Bob and Ilan Evyatar
Yonah Jeremy Bob

Photograph of Yonah Jeremy Bob by Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post.

Ilan Evyatar

Photograph of Ilan Evyatar by Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post.

In Target Tehran, Authors Yonah Bob and Ilan Evyatar describe how Israel has used cyberwarfare, targeted assassinations, and sabotage of Iranian facilities to great effect, sometimes in cooperation with the United States.

The remarkable story of how Israel used sabotage, assassination, cyberwar—and diplomacy—to thwart Iran’s development of nuclear weapons and, in the process, reshaped the Middle East.

Even as it takes lethal action, Israel has managed to alter the politics of the Middle East, culminating in the Abraham Accords of 2020. Arab states, such as Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, normalized relations with Israel while giving a faint nod to the Palestinian issue, and the holy grail of normalization with Saudi Arabia may be achieved in a way which will inject at least some new energy into improving Israeli-Palestinian relations. Now, they share Israel’s concern with Iran—even as they negotiate with Tehran—remaining silent while Israel undermines Iran’s nuclear program.

Bob and Evyatar reveal how Israel has used documents stolen from Tehran in a daring, secret Mossad raid to show the United States and the International Atomic Energy Agency how Iran has repeatedly violated the 2015 JCPOA nuclear agreement and lied about its active nuclear weapons program. Drawing from interviews with top confidential Israeli and US sources, including from the Mossad and the CIA, the authors tell the inside story of the tumultuous, and often bloody, history of how Israel has managed to outmaneuver Iran—so far.

  • Publisher: Simon & Schuster
  • Date Published: September 26, 2023
  • Length: 368 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781668014561

Yonah Jeremy Bob

Yonah Jeremy Bob is the senior military and intelligence analyst as well as the book review editor for The Jerusalem Post. Hailing originally from Baltimore, Maryland, Yonah has close connections with many Israeli intelligence figures and previously worked in the Israeli military international law division, at the Israeli Embassy to the UN, and in the Israeli Justice Ministry. He is the author of Justice in the West Bank? and the editor and translator of A Raid on the Red Sea, an intelligence thriller whose principal author is Amos Gilboa, a former IDF deputy chief of intelligence.

Ilan Evyatar

llan Evyatar is a former editor-in-chief of the award-winning magazine The Jerusalem Report, and a former News Director, columnist, and senior contributor at The Jerusalem Post. He has edited and translated several books and has worked as a speechwriter and ghostwriter. Born in Israel and raised in London, England, he has interviewed a wide variety of top intelligence officials, as well as leading political, business, and cultural personalities.

‘Target Tehran’ Review: The Uses of Intelligence | Wall Street Journal Book Review

Wall Street Journal

Unlike the U.S. and other Western nations, Israel can’t afford the luxury of assuming that the Iranian regime has good intentions.

By John Bolton

Sept. 25, 2023 6:04 pm ET

On Jan. 31, 2018, Mossad agents pulled off one of history’s most daring and effective intelligence raids. Under cover of darkness, they seized, from a supposedly secure Tehran warehouse, critical archives documenting Iran’s heavily concealed nuclear-weapons efforts, escaping with a truckload of materials. Locating the archive was a feat; liberating it from the enemy’s capital was a triumph.

For months, Israeli and American experts scrutinized the enormous quantity of recovered data, until Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, decided the time was right to tell the world. He wanted the maximum possible international impact from revealing both the fact of the raid and its payoff. He told Mossad Director Yossi Cohen, “we need not only to convince the world that Iran lied about its nuclear weapons program—we need to show the world.”

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