Books about Russia and Ukraine feature a comprehensive collection of works focused on these countries. Readers can explore books that delve into these two nations’ rich histories, cultures, and political dynamics. Topics covered may include the historical relations between Russia and Ukraine, contemporary conflicts, geopolitical strategies, and both countries’ cultural and social landscapes. The collection consists of historical accounts, political analyses, personal memoirs, and literary works providing diverse perspectives on Russia and Ukraine’s complex interactions. Through these books, readers gain a deeper understanding of the ongoing developments and historical contexts that shape the relationship between these neighboring countries.


Into Siberia by Gregory Wallance

Into Siberia | George Kennen’s Epic Journey Through the Brutal, Frozen Heart of Russia by Gregory Wallance details the story of George Kennan’s discovery of the plight of exiles in Russia. This book that ranks with the greatest adventure stories, is a thrilling work of history about one man’s harrowing journey and the light it shone on some of history’s most heinous human rights abuses.

The Fight of Our Lives by Iuliia Mendel

The Fight of Our Lives | My Time with Zelenskyy, Ukraine’s Battle for Democracy and What it Means for the World by Iuliia Mendel is the author’s first-hand account of her role as Press Secretary for Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Throughout this story of Zelenskyy, Ukraine, and its extraordinary people, Iuliia Mendel reminds us of the paramount importance of truth and human values, especially in these darkest of times.

Ukraine’s Revolt, Russia’s Revenge by Christopher M. Smith

Ukraine’s Revolt, Russia’s Revenge by Christopher M. Smith recounts the author’s viewpoint of the EuroMaidan Revolution. Told from the perspective of a U.S. diplomat in Kyiv, this book is the true story of Ukraine’s anti-corruption revolution in 2013—14, Russia’s intervention and invasion of that nation, and the limited role played by the United States.

Russia’s Dead End by Andrei Kovalev

Russia’s Dead End | An Insider’s Testimony from Gorbachev to Putin by Andrei Kovalev is a compelling memoir of the author’s career working inside the Kremlin. It assesses the current dangerous status of Russian politics and society while illuminating the path to a more just and democratic future.

Treachery by Harry Chapman Pincher

Treachery | Betrayals, Blunders, and Cover-Ups: Six Decades of Espionage Against America and Great Britain by Harry Chapman Pincher reveals decades of espionage from within British intelligence. Pincher makes a compelling new case that the head of Britain’s own counterintelligence and security agency was a double agent.