David Schoenbrod, a pioneering leader at the Natural Resources Defense Council in the 1970s, spearheaded campaigns to eliminate lead from gasoline, protect Puerto Rico’s environment, and reduce automotive air pollution in New York City. Currently a Trustee Professor at New York Law School, Schoenbrod has frequently contributed to the editorial pages of the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and other major publications. His notable books include Power without Responsibility, Democracy by Decree, Saving Our Environment from Washington, and Breaking the Logjam. He holds a graduate degree in economics from Oxford University, where he was a Marshall Scholar, and a law degree from Yale University.


DC Confidential by David Schoenbrod

DC Confidential | Inside the Five Tricks of Washington by David Schoenbrod exposes politicians’ deceptions and how it can be stopped. The book exposes the sleights of hand used by DC lawmakers. Once they are brought to light, we can stop the tricks, fix our broken government, and make Washington work for us once again.