For a Song and a Hundred Songs by Liao Yiwu

For a Song and a Hundred Songs by Liao Yiwu
Liao Yiwu

For a Song and a Hundred Songs | A Poet’s Journey through a Chinese Prison by Liao Yiwu captures the four brutal years Liao spent in jail for writing the incendiary poem “Massacre.”

In June 1989, news of the Tiananmen Square protests and its bloody resolution reverberated throughout the world. A young poet named Liao Yiwu, who had until then led an apolitical bohemian existence, found his voice in that moment. Like the solitary man who stood firmly in front of a line of tanks, Liao proclaimed his outrage — and his words would be his weapon.

Through the power and beauty of his prose, he reveals the bleak reality of crowded Chinese prisons — the harassment from guards and fellow prisoners, the torture, the conflicts among human beings in close confinement, and the boredom of everyday life. But even in his darkest hours, Liao manages to unearth the fundamental humanity in his cell mates: he writes of how they listen with rapt attention to each other’s stories of criminal endeavors gone wrong and of how one night, ravenous with hunger, they dream up an “imaginary feast,” with each inmate trying to one-up the next by describing a more elaborate dish.

In this important book, Liao presents a stark and devastating portrait of a nation in flux, exposing a side of China that outsiders rarely get to see. In the wake of 2011’s Arab Spring, the world has witnessed for a second time China’s crackdown on those citizens who would speak their mind, like artist Ai Weiwei and legal activist Chen Guangcheng. Liao stands squarely among them and gives voice to not only his own story, but to the stories of those individuals who can no longer speak for themselves. For a Song and a Hundred Songs bears witness to history and will forever change the way you view the rising superpower of China.

Liao Yiwu (Chinese: 廖亦武) is a Chinese author, reporter, musician, and poet from Sichuan, China. He is the author of The Corpse Walker, God Is Red, and For a Song and a Hundred Songs, a memoir of the four years he spent in prison after the Tiananmen Square Massacre.

Liao escaped from China in July 2011 and currently lives in Berlin, Germany. He has received numerous awards, including the prestigious 2012 Peace Prize awarded by the German Book Trade and the Disturbing the Peace Award given by the Václav Havel Library Foundation.

His books, several of which are collections of interviews with ordinary people from the lower rungs of Chinese society, were published in Taiwan and Hong Kong but are banned in mainland China. His books have been translated into Spanish, English, French, German, Italian, Swedish, Polish and Czech.

  • ISBN:  9780547892634
  • 432 pages
  • June 4, 2013

Published by:  New Harvest / Houghton Mifflin Harcourt